Bio-security Resources
The links below will open as PDFs in a new windows unless otherwise noted.
ASF Resources
- Truck Wash Video (opens YouTube in a new browser)
- Truck Wash Audit Video Link (opens YouTube in a new browser)
- OSHAB Amount of Disinfectant Required for Different Pig Transport Vehicles
- OSHAB Trailer Inspection Form
- OSHAB Truck Wash Audit
- OSHAB Truck Wash Poster
- Rationale for Tiered Recommendations
- Transport Gap Analysis
PRRS Toolkit
Disease Control & Elimination
Swine Health Area Regional Control (SHARC) program was developed to assist producers in controlling and eliminating diseases of interest and focuses on PRRS and PED at this time. It is based on the concepts of sharing information to improve decision making and reduce disease transmission risks. Sites are mapped with disease status and an interactive map is available to participants. The program is voluntary and producer driven.
For more information on the SHARC and disease control and elimination protocols go to