Together, Building A Better Pork Industry

Our Role
OPIC aims to help all the players in Ontario's pork industry overcome barriers to build a healthy future.
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Sponsor & Member Levels
We welcome anyone with an interest or stake in this industry to joinus as either a member or sponsor.
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Human Resources
Human resource management is a huge challenge that all members of the pork industry face.
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African Swine Fever (ASF) Resources

Ontario Pork has resources available to help you to raise awareness and reduce the risk of African Swine Fever. Producers and others in industry are encouraged to download, print and post these print-ready posters in-barn or share in their communities. You’ll find links to additional information and resources below.

Ontario Pork - African Swine Fever Resources

Our Sponsors & Members

OPIC is a not-for-profit organization with a wide range of supporters from throughout the pork supply chain.

Boehringer Ingelheim
Cargill Limited
Demeter Services Veterinaires Inc
Hensall District Co-op
Intervet/Merck Animal Health

Contact Us

You can reach us by phone, email or through our online form.